Friday, January 15, 2010

Is it possible that our world is changing so fast, that we are headed for self destruction? Like when you have an ice cream cone, and you think that the ice cream is going to last as long as the cone, but it never does. How much knowledge can we acquire before we stop being human? We can clone ourselves, but I am sure that just because we can doesn't mean that we should .
Another thing, why the hell is it that there is a pill for everything? Who is inventing the pills that society is taking? Who is regulating it? What the hell is in that stuff? I think that the pharm companies that make this stuff know full well that it will be addictive. They say that it is not addictive when taken as prescribed. Yeah, try it if you get prescribed 200 narcotic painkillers in one month. You don't stop needing it until you lose everything you have. Our jails are full of people who cannot stop taking legal drugs. Man! They should start locking up the doctors. Who the hell needs over 200 pain killers in one month?
Regardless, I feel so sad for the younger than forty crowd. I mean, we grew up with rock and roll, and drive in movies back in the sixties. By contrast, the younger crowd has grown up thinking about how messed up the over forty crowd trashed their planet, and what year it will all end.
I saw a report on television about a country who needed assistance with food, but refused the food from the U.S. Something about the U.S. using genetic engineering to make the food that they eat. Is this why my nine year old niece got her period last month? Could it be why society is breaking down? Are we being drugged in our food?
Another thing, why it is that nobody saw the house market bubble waaaaaaaay before it burst? I don't have a fancy title, but I knew two years before it happened. I told all my friends to keep their money in a safe place.
Talk more later.