Thursday, February 18, 2010

Half A Century of Knowledge

Recently I have been thinking about my life. At this point, I am 50 years old.
What have I learned in half a century?
Put God first, then family, friends, money, and things.
The reasoning behind that is that family, and friends will many times bring you trouble. No doubt, there will be dissapointments, hurt feelings, and arguments.
Money can hold you hostage to a job you hate, or a person you don't love.
You can spend your life buying things, but the things will not make you happy. You will always want more things.
Therefore, you need to have God in your life, or a higher power that you can fall back on when all the other stuff in your life is going wrong. You need to have a belief system in place that can assure you that everything will work out for good.
You also need to have dreams and hopes for yourself.
When you look back on your life you will think about the chances you did not take, and how your life would have been different if you had just taken them. Take calculated risks, and learn to trust your instincts.
Grandchildren are God's gifts. They are sweet, loving, and you don't have to worry that they will blame you for their mistakes as adults.
Help will sometimes come from the most unexpected places.
Welcome people into your home, but don't make them feel like they don't have to contribute anything, or they never will.
Desperation only lasts a short time, and it leads to action. Don't compound the problem by doing something stupid.
Never make promises that you don't intend to keep.
Try not to lie your way out of a tough situation, and teach your children not to lie. This will save you a lot of heartache.
Know that the "justice" system is biased towards people with money. Stay out of trouble unless you can afford a good attorney, and a high bond.
Don't expect people to act the way you want, or not to dissapoint you. You can only change yourself.
Lend a hand in times of trouble. Don't turn your back on the needs of others. One day you may be in a similar position.
Don't buy your children everything they want, or they will grow up thinking that they are entitled to everything without working for it.
Spend more time with your family than at your job. Work is a way to get the money you need to have a good family life. If you sacrifice your family for your job, what will you have left when your job is gone?
Always look for the good in people. The bad will become obvious soon enough.
Don't judge people by their mistakes. Help them to make better choices.
Don't follow gossip, sooner or later it will be directed at you.
Be a blessing in someone's life. It will make you feel good.
Give to those who don't have as much as you do, but don't be taken for a sucker.
Know what you believe, and in whom you believe.
Don't choose your friends by how much money, power, or looks they have. People who worship these things have no real friends.
Your friends now may not be your friends later on in life. As you evolve, you will make new friends.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
Don't give up on yourself. You are all you have sometimes.
You don't automatically become an adult at a certain age. Becoming an adult is a learning process that never ends.
If you keep coming up with business ideas, explore them. Don't conform to a paycheck. You will always wonder what would have been if you had taken the risk.
The secret to a lasting relationship is knowing when to shut up.
The secret to happinness is knowing that you will not always have it, so that when you do you can appreaciate it that much more.