Thursday, July 15, 2010


The soul yearns, the mind reasons, but the heart wants what it wants. Let's talk about love. It's five in the morning. I have not slept. I tried to sleep, but sleep eludes me each time I lay down. I pace the floor until I notice that it needs to be mopped. I mop the floor at four in the morning. My thoughts are racing. My mind is going a million miles a minute. Not a pleasant feeling.
How did I get so wired? Simply because I picked up the phone, dialed some numbers, and heard a familiar "hello".
Thirty years have gone by. You would reason that thirty years, and two thousand miles apart would have put time and distance between us. But to quote a cliche, "he had me at hello."
What is wrong with me? Am I the only one who will spend a lifetime loving someone that clearly has not made me his number one priority? Let's face it, I don't even score in the top ten.
Why can't I just tell my heart what my rational mind already knows. "Hey heart, get over him, he got over you." But, my heart says, "I hear you, and I don't care what you say."
I am by no means an emotional person. I cried so many tears for so many years that I must have used them all up.
No, I refuse to be one of those namby pamby cry babies. Instead, I mop the floor at four in the morning.