Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Health Care Debate

Being newly unemployed, I also have the option of choosing between keeping my current health insurance at the full rate, going to Cobra insurance for half of my monthly unemployment income, or going with the state plan with a deductible that would take up to six months of unemployment to pay. However, there are wackos who show up at these town hall meetings crying about the government taking over health care. Are you kidding me?!
Last night I actually watched as a woman complaining about government taking over health care, made this statement while sobbing, " I want my America back." Really? Go tell that to the American Indians!
This begs the question, who is paying these people to say these things? They certainly are not representative of the majority of Americans who know that we can no longer afford to do nothing. The greatness of a people is measured by the way they treat the less fortunate. Are we not a great country?!
Try buying health insurance with a pre-existing condition. You are denied, or priced out of the system. Need a transplant? Sorry, not covered.
If government run health insurance works for so many other countries, why do they assume that it will not work here?
What are they talking about when they say that we will have to wait to see a doctor? Have you ever had to wait to be referred to a specialist by your HMO or PPO carrier?
And all this talk about killing grandmas is ludicrous. End of life counseling is practiced at every hospital in this country. It is called a living will, or a directive. Any time I have been admitted to a hospital I have been asked if I have a current living will. Should we shut down the hospitals?
The people who have the most to lose from health care reform are the insurance companies. Health insurance is big business in this country.
Any time I have received a detailed copy of a bill that the insurance company has paid, I see that they have been able to negotiate the amounts that they pay. Try doing that on your own when you get a hospital bill. No such luck!
In my humble opinion, the government couldn't possibly screw us any worse than the insurance companies. Stop hating!
And, as for all the health care insurance companies, don't worry, they will make up the lost revenue by raising our car, life, and homeowner policies. They won't go broke.
For all you politicians who bend at the slightest push back, we will remember you at the polls if we don't get a health care bill passed. Don't kid yourselves, there are more of us than the drama queens you are seeing at your town hall meetings. We want comprehensive health coverage. We represent the masses, and we are watching you!

Health Care News

It is a little after four in the afternoon, and I am sitting at home on my computer. This Rocks! Why can't I do this for a living? Will someone please pay me to sit here and blog. LOL.
Seriously, I have got to do something around the house. I have not turned on the TV all day. I wonder what's on CNN? Actually the health care debates, oh, town forums, have become highly entertaining. What is wrong with people? We need health care reform. The insurance companies have been getting away with too much for too long. Pre-existing condition? Sorry, we can't insure you? Need a transplant? Sorry, not covered.
People in this country need to look around and see that there are many people in need whose needs are not being served. The mentality that says I will worry about me, my four, and no more is barbaric.
End of life counseling? Bring it on. This is in many existing policies by the way. It is called end of life directives, or living wills. Stop hating.
I suggest that we all take a deep breath, and maybe a yoga class for relaxation before deciding to attend a town forum that will be viewed by millions of people courtesy of live feeds, and make you look like the ignorant fool that everyone who knows you knows that you are. This is shameful on a whole different level.
Look at the health care model of other countries, and realize that for an advanced society we are still in the dark ages when it comes to taking care of our sick. Honestly, I don't think that the government can screw it up any worse than the private insurance industry has for years.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Attitude Is Everything

Today, on the third day of my new job search, I had an encounter with a woman over the phone. First of all, human resource managers can be intimidating. Let's face it, they have the power to hire you, or not. And, in this job market they wield more power than ever.
That being said, I can also say that a little niceness can go a long way. I understand that with much power comes much responsibility, and that it is not easy to be responsible for hiring someone you don't know will be a good fit for your company.
This woman, whom we will call Ms. X, not only questioned my motives for wanting the position, she also went on to tell me that I would have to dress professionally, be well groomed, work very hard, and be accountable for my performance. Now, I have been out of the loop on the hiring process for a while, but I would think that those are all things that a prospective job candidate would do regardless. I can't imagine anyone showing up for an interview in casual attire, unkempt, be a slacker, and not care about how they perform. That is just common sense. I suppose the problem with common sense is that it is not very common.
Well, I had my own questions, and explained to her that in order not to waste her time or mine, I would like to ask her about the position, and compensation before she set the interview.
It seemed obvious that she had not encountered a job applicant in the past who would inquire such things of her prior to the hiring process. Honestly, is there anything wrong with not wanting to waste someone's time? Why would I go on an interview if I knew that it was not going to be mutually beneficial?
By the way, I did secure the appointment for an interview. I know what the position entails, and what the minimum compensation package will be if I am chosen for the position.
I believe that we have to be more assertive in our efforts to gain employment. Being unemployeed does not mean that you are unemployeable. Everyone has something to bring to the table.
Once you spend as much time as I have in the sales field, you gain the confidence that comes with experience. While an employer can hire a non-experienced, perky, young thing, I could probably sell circles around her. I have the training, and the experience. Of course that doesn't mean that I am not willing to learn new ways of doing things, or that I would not value constructive criticism, that would be arrogant.
If I had any advice to give to a younger person, I would tell them to take a sales position (at least for a few years). No business can stay in business without selling their product or service. Sales is a career that is always going to be in demand, and the compensation is limitless. It is truly one of the few jobs in which you control how much money you make.
Hell, in a good year I make more money than my doctor. That's not too shabby.

Monday, August 10, 2009

What to do, what to do

I don't want to be one of those people who spends all day and night on their computer. However, I have been online for the past ten hours today.
Here are some random thoughts:
TV sucks at 1:30 in the morning.
There are some great deals on foreclosed homes right now.
Time to buy a second home if you have the money, or credit.
Idle hands do the devil's work. Time to get back to work.
What do people who don't work do when all the laundry is done, the house is clean, the pets are fed, and the house is quiet?
How come nobody knows how to fix the economy faster?
If you have a business, do you qualify for unemployment if you lose it?
Why did it take so long for people to realize that tap water is just as good as bottled water?
Why would anyone pay $6.00 for a cup of coffee?
What will happen when all the old cars are destroyed? Will old cars be more valuable because of supply and demand?
How do people make money with google ad sense?
How come my car insurance gets more expensive as my credit gets worse?
Why is it that lenders get to sit on the money the government gives them, but the same government wants us to pay taxes on time?
How come gambling goes up as the economy goes down?
Why do people who don't want children have them, and those who want them don't?
Is America still considered the richest country in the world?
Why are people still asking to see Obama's birth certificate? Who cares?!
How come everyone wants to hire you when you have a job?
Can anyone afford Cobra health insurance without a job? Have you seen the rates?!
What will insurance companies sell if health care passes? Will we have a million insurance reps out of work?
Why did Chase bank cancel overdraft protection on WAMU customers?
How come the more money you have, the less you pay?
If you are considered innocent until proven guilty, why do you have to prove your innocence?
Why do dentists charge so much money?
If lenders can afford to short sell properties, why don't they allow current homeowners the opportunity to stay in their homes at the lower price?
If people are still dying from the Swine flu, do we really have a cure?
Is there enough Tamiflu in storage for flu season?
Why do we know everything when we are young? Don't think so, try giving advice to a young person.
If a person doesn't learn from their mistakes, are they just stupid?
Think about it.


Today I felt that I had to make an effort to find employment. In the old days we used to do this by stopping in where you wanted to work. Not now. You go on the company website, and you put in an application along with a million other people. The employer never sees you, unless they want to see you for an interview. Technology has changed the way we interact with everyone.
I can't remember what I did before I had a cell phone. How did anyone ever find me?
My twelve year old niece has a twitter account. I remember that when I was twelve, we had television, board games, and bikes. The most fun we ever had was riding around the neighborhood with all the other kids.
We came home when it got dark. We ate dinner with our families, without DSlite, IPODS, or PSP. We had to talk to each other.
Last week I actually saw two girls sitting on a bench texting other friends. They were together, but did not have anything to say to each other. That is sad.
Where is society headed if we allow our kids access to gadgets that restricts them from live interaction with each other? How can they develop interpersonal skills, or empathy?
Have you seen the games they play? Killing is a sport in which you earn points. People come back to life after being shot. Surprise kids, people who get shot die!
Don't get me wrong, I have embraced technology as much as the next person. I have my cell phone, and my computer. With them I can access a world of information that was not available even ten years ago. However, I am an adult. I think.

Hello God, It's Me Again!

Recently I started attending church on a regular basis. I pray more. I try to live a life where I do good. So, you would think that things have really being going well for me lately.
Well, it seems that God has a sense of humor. I cannot afford my mortgage payments since my income dropped dramatically this year. As of last week, I don't have to worry about my income anymore, since I have no job. Another casualty of the weak economy.
I live in a small town where jobs are scarce at best, and new jobs nonexistent at worst. Most people who live here have been at the same job since birth I think. I am still considered an outsider since I have only been here ten years. The old adage, it's not what you know, but who you know thrives in small towns.
Last month I purchased a new car. Well, it's new to me. Now I also have new car payments to go with that spiffy used car. Oh, and did I mention that my car insurance is more expensive than my car payment?!
I try to look for the positive side of everything. You know, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. However, I don't have enough money for the sugar, so my lemonade is a bit bitter.
Still, I pray. I know that this is just a temporary setback in my life. I know that just as nothing good lasts forever, nothing bad does either.
I am at my worst, and at my best. I have all day to ponder my options, and to seek a new direction for my life.
Maybe this is not where God wants me to live. Maybe he has greater plans for me. Maybe he is just really busy right now.
Patience is a virtue that I seldom possessed in the past. I am a type A personality. I do things, and make things happen. Now, I am learning to be patient. It is not easy.
On the upside, I have always wanted to write a book. Now I have all the time in the world to do just that. Who knows, maybe I will soon find my calling in life. In the meantime, I will have long conversations with God that start with, "Hello God, it's me again."

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

This is the year that I turned fifty. This is also the year that I struggle with my identity.
I have taken to reading obituaries lately. The majority of them list the person's name, and their job titles. Why? Is this really how we define people? Even in our death we are defined by our careers. I read that so and so passed away after spending thirty years as an x.
I have been in sales for the last twenty five years. Last week I was laid off from my job. This week I am puzzling over what I have been doing for all those years. Do I want to stay in sales? Am I too old for a new career? If not, what would I want to do?
I went to the admissions office of a nearby college. Maybe I can still change my career direction.
However, at my age I feel that getting deeper in debt with student loans, and a bleak economy may not be the smartest way to go.
The admissions rep told me that they have a lady who is 76 and is studying for a career in the health care field. While I find this commendable, I also question her ability to secure employment after graduation. Let's face it, competing for a job with a perky twenty something is going to be a little tough.
So, what are my options? I could sit at home and collect unemployment, in which case I could not afford to pay most of my bills. I could look for another sales job, and be remembered as so and so who worked in sales most of her life. Or, I could change careers totally and start all over. None of these is very appealing to me at this time. Honestly, I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Do you?