Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Health Care Debate

Being newly unemployed, I also have the option of choosing between keeping my current health insurance at the full rate, going to Cobra insurance for half of my monthly unemployment income, or going with the state plan with a deductible that would take up to six months of unemployment to pay. However, there are wackos who show up at these town hall meetings crying about the government taking over health care. Are you kidding me?!
Last night I actually watched as a woman complaining about government taking over health care, made this statement while sobbing, " I want my America back." Really? Go tell that to the American Indians!
This begs the question, who is paying these people to say these things? They certainly are not representative of the majority of Americans who know that we can no longer afford to do nothing. The greatness of a people is measured by the way they treat the less fortunate. Are we not a great country?!
Try buying health insurance with a pre-existing condition. You are denied, or priced out of the system. Need a transplant? Sorry, not covered.
If government run health insurance works for so many other countries, why do they assume that it will not work here?
What are they talking about when they say that we will have to wait to see a doctor? Have you ever had to wait to be referred to a specialist by your HMO or PPO carrier?
And all this talk about killing grandmas is ludicrous. End of life counseling is practiced at every hospital in this country. It is called a living will, or a directive. Any time I have been admitted to a hospital I have been asked if I have a current living will. Should we shut down the hospitals?
The people who have the most to lose from health care reform are the insurance companies. Health insurance is big business in this country.
Any time I have received a detailed copy of a bill that the insurance company has paid, I see that they have been able to negotiate the amounts that they pay. Try doing that on your own when you get a hospital bill. No such luck!
In my humble opinion, the government couldn't possibly screw us any worse than the insurance companies. Stop hating!
And, as for all the health care insurance companies, don't worry, they will make up the lost revenue by raising our car, life, and homeowner policies. They won't go broke.
For all you politicians who bend at the slightest push back, we will remember you at the polls if we don't get a health care bill passed. Don't kid yourselves, there are more of us than the drama queens you are seeing at your town hall meetings. We want comprehensive health coverage. We represent the masses, and we are watching you!

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