Monday, August 10, 2009

Hello God, It's Me Again!

Recently I started attending church on a regular basis. I pray more. I try to live a life where I do good. So, you would think that things have really being going well for me lately.
Well, it seems that God has a sense of humor. I cannot afford my mortgage payments since my income dropped dramatically this year. As of last week, I don't have to worry about my income anymore, since I have no job. Another casualty of the weak economy.
I live in a small town where jobs are scarce at best, and new jobs nonexistent at worst. Most people who live here have been at the same job since birth I think. I am still considered an outsider since I have only been here ten years. The old adage, it's not what you know, but who you know thrives in small towns.
Last month I purchased a new car. Well, it's new to me. Now I also have new car payments to go with that spiffy used car. Oh, and did I mention that my car insurance is more expensive than my car payment?!
I try to look for the positive side of everything. You know, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. However, I don't have enough money for the sugar, so my lemonade is a bit bitter.
Still, I pray. I know that this is just a temporary setback in my life. I know that just as nothing good lasts forever, nothing bad does either.
I am at my worst, and at my best. I have all day to ponder my options, and to seek a new direction for my life.
Maybe this is not where God wants me to live. Maybe he has greater plans for me. Maybe he is just really busy right now.
Patience is a virtue that I seldom possessed in the past. I am a type A personality. I do things, and make things happen. Now, I am learning to be patient. It is not easy.
On the upside, I have always wanted to write a book. Now I have all the time in the world to do just that. Who knows, maybe I will soon find my calling in life. In the meantime, I will have long conversations with God that start with, "Hello God, it's me again."

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