Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Health Care News

It is a little after four in the afternoon, and I am sitting at home on my computer. This Rocks! Why can't I do this for a living? Will someone please pay me to sit here and blog. LOL.
Seriously, I have got to do something around the house. I have not turned on the TV all day. I wonder what's on CNN? Actually the health care debates, oh, town forums, have become highly entertaining. What is wrong with people? We need health care reform. The insurance companies have been getting away with too much for too long. Pre-existing condition? Sorry, we can't insure you? Need a transplant? Sorry, not covered.
People in this country need to look around and see that there are many people in need whose needs are not being served. The mentality that says I will worry about me, my four, and no more is barbaric.
End of life counseling? Bring it on. This is in many existing policies by the way. It is called end of life directives, or living wills. Stop hating.
I suggest that we all take a deep breath, and maybe a yoga class for relaxation before deciding to attend a town forum that will be viewed by millions of people courtesy of live feeds, and make you look like the ignorant fool that everyone who knows you knows that you are. This is shameful on a whole different level.
Look at the health care model of other countries, and realize that for an advanced society we are still in the dark ages when it comes to taking care of our sick. Honestly, I don't think that the government can screw it up any worse than the private insurance industry has for years.

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