Monday, August 10, 2009


Today I felt that I had to make an effort to find employment. In the old days we used to do this by stopping in where you wanted to work. Not now. You go on the company website, and you put in an application along with a million other people. The employer never sees you, unless they want to see you for an interview. Technology has changed the way we interact with everyone.
I can't remember what I did before I had a cell phone. How did anyone ever find me?
My twelve year old niece has a twitter account. I remember that when I was twelve, we had television, board games, and bikes. The most fun we ever had was riding around the neighborhood with all the other kids.
We came home when it got dark. We ate dinner with our families, without DSlite, IPODS, or PSP. We had to talk to each other.
Last week I actually saw two girls sitting on a bench texting other friends. They were together, but did not have anything to say to each other. That is sad.
Where is society headed if we allow our kids access to gadgets that restricts them from live interaction with each other? How can they develop interpersonal skills, or empathy?
Have you seen the games they play? Killing is a sport in which you earn points. People come back to life after being shot. Surprise kids, people who get shot die!
Don't get me wrong, I have embraced technology as much as the next person. I have my cell phone, and my computer. With them I can access a world of information that was not available even ten years ago. However, I am an adult. I think.

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