Monday, August 10, 2009

What to do, what to do

I don't want to be one of those people who spends all day and night on their computer. However, I have been online for the past ten hours today.
Here are some random thoughts:
TV sucks at 1:30 in the morning.
There are some great deals on foreclosed homes right now.
Time to buy a second home if you have the money, or credit.
Idle hands do the devil's work. Time to get back to work.
What do people who don't work do when all the laundry is done, the house is clean, the pets are fed, and the house is quiet?
How come nobody knows how to fix the economy faster?
If you have a business, do you qualify for unemployment if you lose it?
Why did it take so long for people to realize that tap water is just as good as bottled water?
Why would anyone pay $6.00 for a cup of coffee?
What will happen when all the old cars are destroyed? Will old cars be more valuable because of supply and demand?
How do people make money with google ad sense?
How come my car insurance gets more expensive as my credit gets worse?
Why is it that lenders get to sit on the money the government gives them, but the same government wants us to pay taxes on time?
How come gambling goes up as the economy goes down?
Why do people who don't want children have them, and those who want them don't?
Is America still considered the richest country in the world?
Why are people still asking to see Obama's birth certificate? Who cares?!
How come everyone wants to hire you when you have a job?
Can anyone afford Cobra health insurance without a job? Have you seen the rates?!
What will insurance companies sell if health care passes? Will we have a million insurance reps out of work?
Why did Chase bank cancel overdraft protection on WAMU customers?
How come the more money you have, the less you pay?
If you are considered innocent until proven guilty, why do you have to prove your innocence?
Why do dentists charge so much money?
If lenders can afford to short sell properties, why don't they allow current homeowners the opportunity to stay in their homes at the lower price?
If people are still dying from the Swine flu, do we really have a cure?
Is there enough Tamiflu in storage for flu season?
Why do we know everything when we are young? Don't think so, try giving advice to a young person.
If a person doesn't learn from their mistakes, are they just stupid?
Think about it.

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