Monday, August 10, 2009

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

This is the year that I turned fifty. This is also the year that I struggle with my identity.
I have taken to reading obituaries lately. The majority of them list the person's name, and their job titles. Why? Is this really how we define people? Even in our death we are defined by our careers. I read that so and so passed away after spending thirty years as an x.
I have been in sales for the last twenty five years. Last week I was laid off from my job. This week I am puzzling over what I have been doing for all those years. Do I want to stay in sales? Am I too old for a new career? If not, what would I want to do?
I went to the admissions office of a nearby college. Maybe I can still change my career direction.
However, at my age I feel that getting deeper in debt with student loans, and a bleak economy may not be the smartest way to go.
The admissions rep told me that they have a lady who is 76 and is studying for a career in the health care field. While I find this commendable, I also question her ability to secure employment after graduation. Let's face it, competing for a job with a perky twenty something is going to be a little tough.
So, what are my options? I could sit at home and collect unemployment, in which case I could not afford to pay most of my bills. I could look for another sales job, and be remembered as so and so who worked in sales most of her life. Or, I could change careers totally and start all over. None of these is very appealing to me at this time. Honestly, I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Do you?

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